Sunday, 3 September 2017

Coming Soon: 31 More Days, 31 More Screams!

Hey hey. Very very quick post this time around, while I grapple with writer's inspiration to try and get some motivation to write about some computer games. In the meantime, I'm thinking ahead to the very busy future as the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder. It's September now, and summer's in its dying embers. Thank God for that, but it also means that October's just a few weeks away. Last year I had a lot of fun with a monthly marathon of short writeups on spooky-themed media and I want to do it again! So... that's the plan! October 1st will be the start of 31 More Days, 31 More Screams... and I need your help! I did open the floor to requests last year, but as I recall I only took about one or two. I'd like to do more, if you out there have wild and weird requests for me. Let's do that again, and set a few ground rules.

-Obviously if I did it in last year's marathon, I can't do it again. So... check out the old ones I did before making a suggestion.

-I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to throat trauma, which makes me apprehensive towards a lot of the slasher genre. You can still make that request, but just warn me if such things are involved; I'll let my own genre-savviness warn me of when said trauma's about to happen so I can look away or whatever.

-Basically all forms of media are fair game for this, but if you're going to suggest something more long-form than a movie, be wary of how long it may take me. I'm a fast reader and can conquer books quickly, but more longform video games are subject to scrutiny; my free time's at a bit of a premium, after all.

-I'd prefer if you left your comments here, just so I have them all in one place rather than spread over four different social media channels and messenger services.

I think that's about it. Please pop some suggestions in so I can fill up the month! I used a lot of my favorite picks last year, but I'm sure together we can build an interesting and eclectic list. I'm looking forward to seeing what you all throw at me, and I hope you're looking forward to reading about it!


  1. Condemned: Criminal Origins (game)
    Midnight Meat Train (movie)
    Until Dawn (game)
    Alien: Isolation(game)
    Nightmare Creatures (game)
    The Legacy of Kain series (gamesssssssss :3)
    It Follows (movie)
    Paranormal Activity series (movie)
    I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (novel and game)
    Slender: The Arrival (game)
    The Evil Within (game)
    Event Horizon (movie)
    Ju-on movie series.

    I think a majority of these have some slasher elements in them, but I don't remember which ones. My apologizes.

  2. House of Leaves
    Alice isn't Dead
    Death Proof
    Kraven's Last Hunt
    Treehouse of Horror V (the one with the shinning)
    Sub Rosa
    Frame of Mind
    From Hell
    Texas Cainsaw Massacre (slasher film)

    1. The Witch
      Phantom of the Paradise
      Black Summer by Warren Ellis
      The Hellbound Heart
      The Mist (film)
      True Detective

    2. Also, since House of Leaves isn't an option, Keeping it Together.
