Coda: RIP, The Barriers Keeping The Macrocosmic Epic Apocalypse Out Of Saga
Night Of The Loving Dead wasn't supposed to end like this. Not exactly. I was going to post that absolutely buck-wild screencap set of the UFO, do some light screaming about fleeing the space shit in terror, and then that would transition us into the next project. Let me pull the curtain back for you. The next big thing on this blog is going to be me watching a little show from the 1990s called Quantum Leap. In essence, I'm going here because I have major burnout from the other massive long-running sci-fi franchises. Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, they've all let me down and become these monstrous Ouroboroi that are about themselves instead of anything strongly emotionally resonant. Quantum Leap seems like a story that's just about ordinary people and helping to change their lives for the better, with a sprinkle of fantastic elements like the titular quantum leaping. You know, a lot like how Zombie Land Saga is a fantastic story with the supernatural element of the living dead but it's actually about inspiring ordinary people in Saga to be better and come together. That is, until the fucking aliens came in right at the very end. I thought that was it, though. I thought that was the only horrible thing I'd have to deal with.